Ship30for30 Day 18 - One Life-Changing Idea

One Life-Changing Idea I wish I had this revelation years ago and it didn’t require a huge amount of emotional drama to learn.

Ship30for30 Day 17 - What is rapport to you?

What is rapport to you? Rapport is one of those difficult to define skills; Talk to 100 people and there will be 100 definitions.

Ship30for30 Day 16 - What's better than 'no'?

What’s better than “no”? Verb-led questions are great for getting a yes, no, or maybe.

Ship30for30 Day 15 - Can better questions help?

Can better questions help? Questions are an important part of conversations, meetings, negotiations, and life in general.

Ship30for30 Day 14 - People Are Everything, Mostly

People Are Everything, Mostly Conversations and negotiations are about people. Conversation and negotiations revolve around hearing, validating, and building relationships with people.

Ship30for30 Day 13 - Honesty Builds Trust

Honesty Builds Trust We aren’t good at hiding our emotional states or acting like a person we aren’t.

Ship30for30 Day 12 - What Defines Your Team Rituals?

What Are Your Team Rituals? The team we are on at work, the type of work we do, form different sizes of communities.

Ship30for30 Day 11 - Love Your Team

Love Your Team We work with the same team members, team leaders, and managers 2,080 hours or more per year.

Ship30for30 Day 10 - What's invalidation

What’s invalidation Imagine a conversation, where you’re talking with a person, spouse, significant other, peer, friend, about a comment a co-worker made that upset you, then they respond with “I’m sorry you feel that way.

Ship30for30 Day 9 - How to win at office politics

How to win at office politics I admit, I never tried to understand office politics nor tried to participate.