Ship30for30 Day 8 - What builds credibility?

What builds credibility? When was the last time you were in a situation and wished for less credibility?

Ship30for30 Day 7 - Do You understand?

Do You Understand? The other day, I had a moment where I brushed off someone’s openness while we were catching up.

Ship30for30 Day 6 - Immutable people

Immutable people How do we work with someone we haven’t been able to build trust with and haven’t been able to build a socially accepted way to agree and disagree?

Ship30for30 Day 5 - Mirrors, not just for self-care

Mirrors, not just for self-care If you have a moment, think about the last conversation you had.

Ship30for30 Day 4 - There are times to give up

There are times to give up Ryan Holiday says, “what stands in the way becomes the way.

Ship30for30 Day 3 - Shared stories build bonds

Shared stories build bonds Storytelling is one of those things that elicits polarizing opinions.

Ship30for30 Day 2 - Value in repeating yourself?

Value in repeating yourself I’ve always been bugged hearing people repeat things in meetings, calls, conversations, etc.

Ship30for30 Day 1 - Who's on the other side?

Who’s on the other side of this conversation? Most likely, there is another person on the other side of this conversation.

Classes taken in 2020

Classes I took in 2020 before and during the pandemic.

Books Read in 2020

Below is a mostly inclusive list of books I finished reading in 2020: